Lies, Damn Lies & Brexit

July 9, 2018. Our departure from the European Union needs to be done on the basis of facts, rather than the dangerous untruths that we have been peddled for the last two years, argues Campbell Macpherson, CEO of Change & Strategy International and author of the 2018 Business Book of the Year, ‘The Change Catalyst’. [...]

Lies, Damn Lies & Brexit2019-05-03T11:54:13+00:00

Brexit 2019: how on earth did we end up here?!

Change may indeed be inevitable, but change that is brought about without a comprehensive understanding of the implications is rarely a recipe for success. 4 July 2017. The UK electorate spoke last month for the third consecutive year and we now have a parliament that truly reflects the disparate nature of the national mood. This [...]

Brexit 2019: how on earth did we end up here?!2019-05-06T13:56:45+00:00
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